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Vision And Mission
Our Motivating Mission
The Vital Essence
Our credo is that ascendancy in life depends upon the quality of education that one receives as a child, so we confirm to the conviction of imparting the finest, most comprehensive and balanced education. The Essence of our enterprise is to impart world class education that shall foster academic excellence, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual health, social consciousness and concern for the environment. We aspire to empower the children with a solid foundation of knowledge and life skills, stimulating the student?s urge to probe deep into the recesses of the unknown so that they become standard bearers of excellence.
Our Commitment. Kindling the Spark
The school endeavour is to provide:
  • Opportunities, resources and environment necessary to be lifelong learners.
  • Motivation to develop the skills needed to be productive, responsible citizens in the global society.
  • A systematically planned, liberal and democratic learning environment.
  • A rich and stimulating schedule for development of holistic and confident personality
We Believe In:
  • Creating a shared vision based on a set of core beliefs to engage all in a continued development and improvement process.
  • Integrity, self esteem democratic values, dignity of rights and focused devotion to the goal of quality education for Global Citizenship.
  • The noble task of shaping up human excellence and nurturing young receptive minds.
  • Potentiality of the individual for evolution of mind and spirit.
  • Working passionately for the realization of our dreams and ideals with vigour and commitment.
Our Faith
  • Two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings.
  • Every Child Matters.
Our Quest. Towards Exalted Realms
We visualize:
  • A humane and progressive society empowering each individual to face the goals of today and challenges of tomorrow.
  • Blending the glorious Vedic culture with modern times without losing its essence.
  • Empowering the children with the solid foundation of knowledge and life skills.
  • Epitomizing efficiency creativity and a esthetics.
  • Developing scientific and rational thinking, clear vision, positive mind-set, innovative thinking and integrated personality through exposure at different levels.
  • Grooming students to be physically energetic, intellectually fertile and emotionally stable.
  • Inculcating self-esteem and sense of responsibility.
  • Sensitizing and steering young minds towards needs of others.
  • Making students, teachers and parents partners in education for life.
& above all. Creating good human beings.
School Vision for Students
Inspiring each student to exhibit at all times :
  • Respect for self, others and the environment.
  • Aspiration to set high standards for self and devise strategies for meeting those.
  • Keenness and Curiosity to think and question to gain further knowledge.
  • Enthusiasm and Creativity to engage in active learning through the best use of the modern technology.
  • Initiative to use cooperative as well as independent learning strategies to achieve goals.
  • Superior ability to communicate effectively and judiciously
  • Competence and Resourcefulness to use problem solving techniques to handle everyday situations.
  • Dynamism to participate productively and responsibly in the rapidly changing society.
  • Openness and Transparency to accept and receptive to idea, suggestion and criticism.
  • A Healthy Attitude leading to sound judgment and ethical decision-making.
  • Sensitivity and Compass towards others.
  • Message Board
    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
  • Campus Location
  • Reach Us
    SDP Senior Sec School, Hazuri road, Ludhiana
    Phone : 0161-2709189, 0161-2741189
    E-mail : mainsdp@gmail.com
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