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SDP celebrated Geeta jayanti
  • SDP celebrated Geeta jayanti
    SDP celebrated Geeta jayanti (2023-12-23)
    SDP celebrated Geeta jayanti S.D.P. Senior secondary School Celebrated Geeta jayanti on 23 December. The day is also called moksha ekadashi. It is on this day, lord Krishna praised philosophy to Arjuna in the battlefield of kurukshetra. The principal, Shri Jasveer Singh Chauhan, joint the chanting of shalokas from Bhagwat Geeta and the celebration began with students. Mrs Sonia Kochar Chanted a few shalokas in Sanskrit and explained their meaning. A speech was delivered by the student. Shri Balraj Kumar Bhasin the president motivated the staff and students to follow the teaching of Bhagavad Geeta in their routine life. Shri Jasveer Chauhan, the principle in his speech highlighted how the Geeta teaches their duties and to face difficult times with courage. The Geeta inspired not only Indian revolutionaries’ but also many Western thinkers.
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    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
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    SDP Senior Sec School, Hazuri road, Ludhiana
    Phone : 0161-2709189, 0161-2741189
    E-mail : mainsdp@gmail.com
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