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World AIDS Day Awareness Program
  • World AIDS Day Awareness Program
    World AIDS Day Awareness Program (01-12-2022)
    On World AIDS Day S.D.P Sen. Sec. School Hazuri road, Ludhiana commenced special assembly in which Sh. Jaswinder Singh Lamba shared facts to make the younger generation aware about the causes, symptoms, tests and treatments for treating HIV infection. Mr. Balraj Kumar Bhasin (President of SDP Sabha & Institution) and Principal Sh. Jasveer Singh Chauhan said that “we all should take constructive steps to eliminate chronic disease for making our planet safe and spreading awareness about AIDS disease in communities is must.
  • Message Board
    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
    Summer Vaction
    According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe
  • Campus Location
  • Reach Us
    SDP Senior Sec School, Hazuri road, Ludhiana
    Phone : 0161-2709189, 0161-2741189
    E-mail : mainsdp@gmail.com
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