A great warrior, freedom fighter Shaheeda Azam Bhagat singh’s Birthday celebrated with full zeal in the premises of SDP Sr. Sec. school (Parchark), Hazuri Road, Ludhiana. Sh. Daljit Singh delivered a very inspiring and motivating lecture to the students to have patriotic feelings in life. He also laid stress on the need of following the footsteps of such great personalities in life for the sake of the nation. Students also presented views and recited poems related to the occasion.
Such activities are performed as per the guidelines of Sh. Balraj Kumar Bhasin , President SDP Sabha and Institutions .
Principal Sh. Jasveer Singh also motivated the students to learn patriotism from the life of Bhagat Singh. He also appreciated students for their patriotic feelings.
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Summer Vaction
According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe Summer Vaction
According to the state Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains, as per the directions of Chief Ministe READ ALL